CBD oil

What is CBD oil and how can it help me?

CBD oil is said to have numerous positive effects. Lots of people tout CBD oil as a universal remedy for all kinds of diseases and conditions. As well as for general health and wellness, much like taking vitmains or food supplements.

Despite the undisputed potential of CBD oil, we would advise caution when it comes to outlandish claims of CBD curing all manner of things. At present, the research is incomplete - long-term effects and interactions need to be researched further. Nevertheless, CBD has been found to be beneficial for helping to alleviate certain conditions, which we explore in this website. CBD was also classified by the WHO as safe in 2018.

CBD oil

Advantages of CBD oil

  • There are a wide range of benefits of CBD
  • No intoxication or addictive potential
  • Precise dosing possible
  • Large selection of products with different CBD concentrations

Disadvantages of CBD oil

  • Some good oils are a little more expensive
  • The taste isn’t for everyone

CBD oil... in a nutshell

  • According to current studies, CBD oil has a variety of benefits and can help with numerous medical conditions.
  • It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect
  • CBD oil does not cause intoxication and is not addictive. Therefore, it was classified as safe by the WHO

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from the cannabis plant and is most often consumed as CBD oil.

CBD oil should help you to feel deeply relaxed and positive. These are effects from the natural properties of CBD and are not based on getting 'high' and do not lead to intoxication.

The trend for CBD comes - as so often - from the USA. There, CBD oil has developed into a huge growth market in recent years, in line with topical discussions about the legalisation of cannabis in the US. However, the market is rapidly growing in the United Kingdom and we are excited to see changes in both attitude and law in the coming years.

It is clear though that the research related to CBD is still in its infancy. Due to the decades of illegality of the cannabis plant and the lack of patentability, very few scientific studies have been funded. In particular, the long-term effects and interactions of CBD oil with other compounds are not 100% known.

Even with the current state of research and understanding of CBD, it is widely accepted that CBD and other cannabis components can have considerable positive effects.

Below we summarise some of the key areas where CBD can help.

CBD oil should help you to feel deeply relaxed and positive.

8 ways CBD oil can help you

1. Pain

There is some promising evidence of the effectiveness of CBD oil in neuropathic and inflammation-related pain.

CBD oil has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties and could therefore contribute to pain relief. However, CBD cannot eliminate the causes.

CBD oil has the advantage over strong pain relievers that there are hardly any proven side effects (more on that in a moment) and it does not make you addicted.

2. Stress and Anxiety disorders

Studies indicate positive effects of CBD oil on panic attacks and anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are controlled by the amygdala, a core area of the brain. In situations of fear and anxiety, messenger substances are released that impact the body (e.g. trembling or sweating).

CBD oil can bind to cannabinoid receptors of the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) and inhibit the release of anxiety messengers. The ECS in particular is suspected to be able to regulate fear through special signals.

3. Depression

Studies suggest that CBD oil may stimulate hippocampal (neurogenesis) healing. The hippocampus is situated in the brain and often shrinks in the event of depression.

This reduction (also called atrophy) could be counteracted by CBD oil by protecting the nerve cells.

Both (the psychoactive) THC and CBD oil have already proven beneficial in animal models for depression. However, this has not been clinically studied in humans. More on how CBD can help with depression here.

4. Cancer

The studies on CBD and cancer are limited so no definitive promises should be made. Nevertheless, there are promising results suggest CBD oils could help curb the growth of cancer cells and cause the infected cells to die.

CBD oil can also be used to combat side effects such as pain, nausea and depression. Cannabinoids - also sometimes known as phytocannabinoids - could be used in conjunction with other therapeutic options such as chemotherapy.

5. Multiple Sclerosis

CBD oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. CBD cannot cure multiple sclerosis. But it could alleviate the symptoms of MS and give patients significant relief.

Because MS patients often suffer from inflammation spots that may be alleviated by CBD oil. The pain-relieving effect of CBD oil could also be beneficial and CBD has been reported to improve quality of life and reduce spasticity.

6. Epilepsy

In some scientific studies on the effectiveness of CBD, epilepsy patients showed a significant improvement. The number of epilepsy attacks and falls could be significantly reduced by taking CBD oil.

The efficacy of cannabis and its constituent cannabinoids in alleviating the effects of epilepsy has been acknowledged by the UK government in 2018 when legalising medicinal cannabis after the personal testimonies of people suffering from epilepsy.

7. Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

There are no confirmed results yet. However, scientific studies show that CBD oil can relieve chronic pain and inflammation. Targeted animal testing of CBD oil in osteoarthritis and arthritis has already been successful.

A recent survey (2019) found that 54% of arthritis patients in the US have had very positive experiences with CBD oil or even medicinal THC.

8. Sleep Disorders

Surveys from the USA show that one of the largest areas of application of CBD oil is to help with sleep. Many people report a calming effect, which means CBD oil can help make falling asleep easier.

It is proven that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which according to studies is said to have an impact on the sleep rhythm.

It should be noted that there are studies that indicate CBD has no direct impact on sleep as well, so the science is actually inconclusive. Nevertheless, CBD can have an indirect positive impact on sleep disorders by relieving anxiety and stress and the large volume of personal testimonies are also worth bearing in mind.

CBD oil for prevention and general health

CBD oil is a natural agent that many people regularly use to strengthen general health and well-being.

The largest areas of application are pain, anxiety and sleep. But it is also used by many people to prevent stress or inflammation.

It is worth bearing in mind that CBD can only alleviate the symptoms of these ailments. CBD oil cannot eliminate the physical and mental causes.

CBD oil normally comes with a pipette, or dropper, and is usually dripped under the tongue. This allows the oil to enter the bloodstream directly through the mucous membranes. It should effect after a few minutes.

Are there any side effects of using CBD oil

We have discussed at length the side effects of CBD elsewhere, but will summarise some key points here:

  • Fatigue - subjects sometimes report a slightly sedative effect.
  • Diarrhoea - after consuming very high amounts of CBD oil, indigestion has been reported sporadically.
  • Appetite - there have been isolated reports of a change in appetite.
  • Slight dizziness or light-headedness - CBD oil can cause a temporary small drop in blood pressure.
  • Dry mouth - as with other cannabinoids, saliva production can be temporarily reduced. The mouth can feel dry and cause thirst.
  • Increased tremor in Parkinson's patients - early studies suggest that CBD oil could worsen tremor and muscle movement in people with Parkinson's disease.
  • Inhibition of P540 enzymes - important for possible interactions with certain drugs.
  • Intraocular pressure for those with glaucoma - people with glaucoma should avoid CBD oil as it may increase intraocular pressure.

A medical consultation is advisable, especially if you are pregnant. Because CBD influences specific proteins. This can cause undesirable changes in placenta function.

Previous scientific studies (mostly in the context of tolerability of epilepsy or psychotic disorders) indicate CBD has very good tolerability with mild and infrequent side effects.

In particular, no significant side effects on the central nervous system, vital functions or mood were found.

This is also supported by a 2018 investigation report by the WHO, which classifies the CBD as safe.

Studies have generally found that the health benefits far outweigh the potential side effects of CBD.

Ultimately, it is also possible that CBD oil will interact with medicinal products. For this reason, as a precaution, you should speak to your doctor before consuming CBD while taking medication.

How does CBD oil work in the body?

As soon as CBD oil enters the bloodstream, it works with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is explained in depth on our ECS page.

But in short, the ECS controls the communication from cell to cell by means of the release of messenger substances. To do this, the ECS uses various neuroreceptors.

These neuroreceptors regulate a variety of bodily functions, such as sleep, appetite, mood, pain, memory or inflammation.

CBD oil has the ability to bind to the ECS receptors that are distributed all over the body. In this way, CBD oil can inhibit or stimulate the release of certain messenger substances and thus influence the body's own functions.

Various studies have shown CBD to have anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of these properties, advocates predict the cannabinoid CBD has enormous pharmacological potential.

It's often considered best to start with a relatively low dose for about 2 weeks and listen to your body.

Do you get high from CBD oil?

No. Although, the cannabinoid CBD (Cannabidiol) is organically related to the (still illegal) cannabinoid THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and comes from the hemp or (still illegal) cannabis plant, CBD does not have the properties to get you high and has no psychoactive effects.

CBD binds to different neuroreceptors and therefore - unlike THC (we explain more about CBD and THC's differences here) - does not send any consciousness-altering signals to the brain.

THC acts differently to CBD in the body and also has much stronger side effects than CBD. Among other things, concentration, cognitive thinking and psychomotor skills are impaired with THC. THC can also sometimes lead to addiction.

5 clear differences between CBD and THC

  • CBD has no intoxicating effect
  • CBD has no potential for addiction
  • CBD has mild side effects, if any.
  • CBD has different areas of application
  • CBD offers the entourage effect (interaction with other cannabinoids for certain effects)

How to use CBD oil

CBD oil normally comes in a CBD tincture and is usually dripped under the tongue. This allows the oil to enter the bloodstream directly through the mucous membranes. It takes effect after a few minutes. With the help of a pipette, the CBD oil can be dosed drop by drop.

Alternatively, CBD can be smoked with vaping pens. However, if this is your preferred methods you should use CBD liquids for vaping, as CBD oil clogs vape pens and e-cigarettes.

You should never vape CBD oil.

Other ways to take CBD

Other dosage forms of CBD are capsules, liquids, crystals, or in the form of foods and drinks such as teas, chocolate or gummy bears. You can even apply CBD topically using creams.

If you are keen to have zero THC content in your product, or if it important that you have clear test results, CBD isolate may be the option for you. Typically CBD crystals are most commonly known for their pure CBD content. But other products, such as CBD gummies can also be offered with 0% THC. Always check the label thoroughly, because it possible that companies state there is no THC, when actually there are traces of it within the product.

From our experience, sublingual ingestion of CBD oil under the tongue has the fastest and most intense effect.

How do I dose CBD correctly?

The amount of CBD you should take is a relatively grey areas. This is because CBD effects everyone differents. However, as a guide for mild complaints and for preventive purposes, a suggested dosage is three drops in the morning and one in the evening. If this does not have the desired effect, you can increase your dosage until you find the right one for you.​​​​

In the case of intense symptoms and good levels of tolerance to CBD (i.e. after having used it for awhile), the single dose could be increased to 5 drops. Most CBD oils are supplied with a pipette. So you can dose the CBD oil drop by drop.

Note that there isn't an exact dosage that suits everyone. Each person reacts differently to CBD oil and the intended use and the individual’s physical condition also play a role in the dosage.

It's often considered best to start with a relatively low dose for about 2 weeks and listen to your body. If CBD oil works well for you and you feel good with it, you can gradually increase the dosage if necessary.

How is CBD oil made?

There are several ways to make CBD oils from the cannabis or hemp plant. The most extraction method common is the CO2 extraction process.

In CO2 extraction, only certain parts of hemp can be used. The CBD oil should also be within the legal limit for the UK which means it should have no detectable THC.

Our advice is to choose a manufacturer where you can see the laboratory certificate. This way, you can be more sure that the CBD oil contains what it says it does.

The most common strength is the 10% CBD oil. More concentrated CBD oils, around 15%, 20% or more, are probably best used by people who have already had experience with CBD.

What types of CBD oils are there?

In addition to CBD, full-spectrum products can also contain other cannabinoids as well as phenols, terpenes, vitamins and trace elements and minerals. These CBD oils are sold under the names ‘full spectrum oil’, 'broad-spectrum oil' or ‘full oil’.

The advantage of this variant is that the full-spectrum CBD oils are said to have the so-called “entourage effect”. This is the name given to the interplay of different cannabinoids and other nutrients, which is intended to enhance the effect of the CBD oil.

Of course, vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium and sodium also play an important role in our general health, so it’s hard to dispute that their inclusion in full spectrum oils is beneficial.

Some manufacturers also offer oils with extracts from other cannabinoids, such as CBDA, or CBN. These substances in turn have different effects than CBD.

5 tips when choosing your CBD oil product

  • Whilst the most expensive CBD oil isn't necessary the best CBD oil, it is important that you buy a high quality product.
  • When choosing a CBD brand, it is important the company is able to provide a lab report.
  • It can also be helpful to look for customer feedback on forums and social media. However, do be wary that as the popularity of CBD increases, as will the amount of sellers. It is likely many companies will be trying to sell their products on these platforms
  • Look at customer reviews - such as the ones on our site - but make sure you are looking at an independent website, to avoid bias.
  • Always looks out for discount codes and offers - there are lots! Sometimes you can find companies who offer free samples, and there are certainly companies who offer a money back guarantee.

CBD oils come in different concentrations: 5%, 10%, 15% or 20%

The lowest common concentration is 5% CBD oil. These oils are suitable for mild complaints and also for preventive measures.

The most common strength is the 10% CBD oil. More concentrated CBD oils, around 15%, 20% or more, are probably best used by people who have already had experience with CBD.

What other CBD products are there?

Other dosage forms of CBD already covered on this page and elsewhere in our website are:

With the world of CBD rapidly expanding, you can get all kinds of CBD products! From skincare to mattresses, from chocolate spread to ice-cream! We do have our suspicions that some of these products may be more gimmick than CBD, so always be sure to check the ingredients and check third party lab reports.

The question of legality

The legal situation for CBD is complicated. We deal with the legal side in separate articles. But essentially, CBD is legal so long as it does not contain THC or any other controlled substances as defined under UK law.


CBD oils can be used in many different ways and are already being used successfully by a large numbers of people in the UK and worldwide.

Scientific studies have proven the high pharmacological potential as well as the mild side effect profile.

There are a wide range of oils available on the UK market, so if you are interested there are plenty of options to see how or if CBD can help you.

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